sweetsify branding & brochure

"TV Guide to Competitive Figure Skating" Featured Graphic
Sweetsify is a fictional candy company that manufactures and sells sweets in Northeast Ohio. Founded by British immigrants John and Maryanne Sweets in the 1920s, Sweetsify sells locally‑made candy inspired by British and American favorites, such as licorice, hard candy, and chocolate bars. Customers serve their pick of sweets into clear bags and pay by the bag’s weight. Additional services include birthday parties for children ages 2‑12 and factory tours for visitors of all ages.

Sweetsify’s logo manipulates the script typeface Shelby Regular to emulate the ribbon used to tie the customer’s candy bags. The rounded sans‑serif font Omnes Regular complements Shelby with its large x‑height and wide counters, making it easy for all to read from a distance. Together, the typefaces create a timeless logo. Sweetsify’s vibrant brand colors remind customers of popular candy flavors they will see in the store: strawberry, blueberry, peach, and grape. The warm and cool colors create a playful and delicious brand.

Sweetsify’s 8″ × 5″ folded, 24″ × 5″ flat, tri‑fold brochure informs customers about the company’s history, products, services, and contact information. The brochure incorporates images licensed from Adobe Stock, Pexels, and Unsplash to depict some candy products, the store, and children. Additionally, candy illustrations populate the front cover and various pages throughout the brochure. The candy stripe borders and rounded elements create movement, taking readers on an effortless journey from one panel to the next. With bright colors and big images, this brochure is informative and fun for all readers.

final brochure

Sweetsify tri-fold brochure outside

brochure outside

Sweetsify tri-fold brochure inside

brochure inside

brand illustrations

color & type studies


logo & brochure sketches

Sweetsify logo sketches

logo sketches

brochure sketches

logo versioning

Sweetsify logo versioning

brochure versioning

brochure outside version 1

brochure inside version 1

brochure outside version 2

brochure inside version 2

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